Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Today we watched more of the video about Jared Diamond. In the video it mentioned how having cows allow farmers to grow more food to feed more people. So if cows made there way to New Guinea, their lives would be much better and more efficient because they would be able to have meat, milk, cheese, and other dairy products. Also, the most important muscle power in New Guinea is human muscle power. The reason being is because they do everything themselves and don't use tractors, or electronic things to do work for them, everything they do is with their hands, and themselves, therefore strength and power is very much needed.
     We also learned about the importance of certain animals, and what needs to be done to control a herd. There are two million different species of wild animals, and 14 of them are able to be domesticated  Thirteen are from Asia, North Africa and Europe. Those 13 include goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, bactrian camels, arabian camels, water buffalos, reindeer, yacks, mithans, and bali cattle. The other is a llama, which is from South America. Also, cows, pigs, sheep and goats are native to the Middle East! Some people were able to develop new skills and technology over time. New Guinea never developed advanced technology!

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