Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When and where was this religion founded? 
-This religion was founded in first century in Palestine by the disciples.

Is it monotheistic or polytheistic? 
-Christianity is monotheistic, and they believe God is the only god.

If they have a book, what is it?
-The Christianity book is called “The Bible.”

How many followers does this religion claim?
-Christianity has over 2 billion followers.

Who is the central figure of this religion?
-The central figure of Christianity is “Jesus Christ,” who is known as the son of God.

When and where was this religion founded?
-Islam was founded in Mecca by Muhammed.

Is this a monotheistic or polytheistic?
-Islam is monotheistic..

If they have a book, what is it?
-Their holy book is called a Qur'an!

How many followers does this religion claim?
-The religion Islam has about 2 billion followers.

Who is the central figure of this religion?
-The central figure is Allah, which is God.


When and where was this religion founded?
-It was founded in the fourth or fifth century B.C in northern India.

Is this monotheistic or polytheistic?
-Buddhism is polytheistic and worships many gods.

If they have a holy book what is it?
-There holy book is called the Tipitaka.

How many followers does this religion claim?
-They have around 350 million followers.

Who is the central figure of this religion?
-Buddah is the central figure.


When and where was this religion founded?
-It was founded 1500-500 BCE in India.

Is this monotheistic or polytheistic?
-Hinduism are monotheistic, and they have it at the deepest form.

If they have a holy book what is it?
-They call there hoy book the Vedas, and it is written in Sanskrit.

How many followers does this religion claim?
-They have  950 million followers.

Who is the central figure of this religion?
-The central figure is a bull.


When and where was this religion founded?
-It was founded in 2000 BC by Abraham.

Is this monotheistic or polytheistic?
-Judaism is monotheistic.

If they have a holy book what is it?
-The holy book is called the Torah.

How many followers does this religion claim?
-Judaism has 14 to 15 million followers.

Who is the central figure of this religion?
-The central figure of Judaism is Abraham.

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