Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When and where was this religion founded? 
-This religion was founded in first century in Palestine by the disciples.

Is it monotheistic or polytheistic? 
-Christianity is monotheistic, and they believe God is the only god.

If they have a book, what is it?
-The Christianity book is called “The Bible.”

How many followers does this religion claim?
-Christianity has over 2 billion followers.

Who is the central figure of this religion?
-The central figure of Christianity is “Jesus Christ,” who is known as the son of God.

When and where was this religion founded?
-Islam was founded in Mecca by Muhammed.

Is this a monotheistic or polytheistic?
-Islam is monotheistic..

If they have a book, what is it?
-Their holy book is called a Qur'an!

How many followers does this religion claim?
-The religion Islam has about 2 billion followers.

Who is the central figure of this religion?
-The central figure is Allah, which is God.


When and where was this religion founded?
-It was founded in the fourth or fifth century B.C in northern India.

Is this monotheistic or polytheistic?
-Buddhism is polytheistic and worships many gods.

If they have a holy book what is it?
-There holy book is called the Tipitaka.

How many followers does this religion claim?
-They have around 350 million followers.

Who is the central figure of this religion?
-Buddah is the central figure.


When and where was this religion founded?
-It was founded 1500-500 BCE in India.

Is this monotheistic or polytheistic?
-Hinduism are monotheistic, and they have it at the deepest form.

If they have a holy book what is it?
-They call there hoy book the Vedas, and it is written in Sanskrit.

How many followers does this religion claim?
-They have  950 million followers.

Who is the central figure of this religion?
-The central figure is a bull.


When and where was this religion founded?
-It was founded in 2000 BC by Abraham.

Is this monotheistic or polytheistic?
-Judaism is monotheistic.

If they have a holy book what is it?
-The holy book is called the Torah.

How many followers does this religion claim?
-Judaism has 14 to 15 million followers.

Who is the central figure of this religion?
-The central figure of Judaism is Abraham.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Today in class we, as a class talked about the upcoming test on Friday. We all contributed into making questions for the test. Supposedly the test is entirely multiple choice. I think i will do somewhat good because lately i have been understanding what we have been doing lately in class.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


In class on Friday we took a test on the movie about the three boys who were in the tribe/organization "The Lost Boys." Since I was so familiar with the movie, I am very confident that I did a somewhat of a good job on this test. There were two problems that I realized I had gotten wrong once I turned it in, and that was which sides each of the wars took place, and what their names or their groups were called, such as Sudan's and Muslims. I think and hope I did much better than my previous test, which I had gotten a 70% on.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Today in class each of us picked a group and/or partner, and we discussed organizations in which helped, or dealt with Sudan. Me and the rest of the members in my group chose the topic "creating wells in Sudan for water" I personally think that is a very good topic to take into consideration. I think this because if you have wells in a certain area that provides a lot of water, if different charities provide the cost of the well, you'll save a lot of lives because loss of water, and dehydration is a major death. Other than starvation, and other causes as well.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Today we finished watching the movie, in this past segment a lot of major events occurred, such as John getting to see his mother again in USA. I learned that the "Dinka" tribe was a tribe that was for the tall people in Sudan. John Buldaw was in this tribe. As the movie went on, John and his mother reconnected, not introduced to american customs, showing a sign of excitement she ran around screaming as they do in Africa. Panther decided that the American life wasn't from him, therefore he moved back to Sudan, got married, and is in the process of building a new school. That is very shocking to me considering the fact he hasn't been in American for a long time. John also wants to build something, and that is a medical clinic and he is attending Syracuse, getting his Bachelors degree. Since they come from another poor country and came this far, it shows we can do anything and we are very fortunate.

This is the organization i found to help Sudan :

It deals with the hungry, and starved in Sudan.