Monday, January 14, 2013

My grade in blog

I would give myself an 85, the reason is because my participation isn't very high. I do complete my blog post every night though. I also do raise my hand though, even though sometimes it isn't the corrects answer, I do participate.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Today in class we looked up facts about Papua New Guinea. They include the following.

-Papua New Guinea is one of the most culturally diverse countries on Earth
-13% of the entire population is Urban
-The terranes is mostly mountains, and mostly highlands
-About 1/3 population is living on less than $1.25 a day
-37% is below the poverty rate
-Their GDP growth is 8.9 which is 8th in the world.(12th fastest growing economy in the world)
-Their literacy rate is 57%
-841 different languages are listed for their country
-There is 125,000 internet users with 6million people, it is very low
-Their natural resources are gold, copper, silver, natural gas, timber, oil, fisheries
-Spends only 1.4% pf their GDP on military exposure
-Their unemployment rate is 1.9% (49/50 work)
-562 airport, about 22 are paved.

Also, we watched the last of the video that we are going to watch. It stated that the towns of New Guinea are becoming more bigger and more developed. And Jared Diamond found out that the answer to that man Yahli, who asked why us Americans have so much cargo, and them New Guineas have so little. His answer was "geography" and that is because we have a different, more need for the use of these kind of things. Since they do more things on their own, they don't need it as much as we do.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Yesterday in class we continued to watch more of the video about Jared Diamond. I learned that the climate changed in the Middle East (Eurasia) in the "fertile crescent"where crops and domesticated animals were able to prosper their way to. People when migrating tended to move from "East to West" not "North to South." No matter wherever they traveled, they transformed the society, or area they went to. After a while, there was enough food to feed everyone, including animals. In the 16th century the crops and animals were taken to the New World by the Europeans. Also, there are 100 millions cows in the USA. As well as 40 billion pounds of wheat, what we consume in one year. That is 133 pounds per person. Also, some think Jared Diamonds arguments are to weak and easy to be true.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Today we watched more of the video about Jared Diamond. In the video it mentioned how having cows allow farmers to grow more food to feed more people. So if cows made there way to New Guinea, their lives would be much better and more efficient because they would be able to have meat, milk, cheese, and other dairy products. Also, the most important muscle power in New Guinea is human muscle power. The reason being is because they do everything themselves and don't use tractors, or electronic things to do work for them, everything they do is with their hands, and themselves, therefore strength and power is very much needed.
     We also learned about the importance of certain animals, and what needs to be done to control a herd. There are two million different species of wild animals, and 14 of them are able to be domesticated  Thirteen are from Asia, North Africa and Europe. Those 13 include goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, bactrian camels, arabian camels, water buffalos, reindeer, yacks, mithans, and bali cattle. The other is a llama, which is from South America. Also, cows, pigs, sheep and goats are native to the Middle East! Some people were able to develop new skills and technology over time. New Guinea never developed advanced technology!

Monday, January 7, 2013


There are three things that all advanced cities have in common. The three include: Advanced technology, large populations, and well organized work force. Also, even though Diamond studied the past, and studied what occurred in other places around the world, he is a scientist, not an historian. Today we also talked about "haves/have nots" and basically that is what you have and what you don't. They used that method in modern ages, a long with "hunting and gathering." 12 1/2 years ago the climate became vomitile and animals herdered out of the area, and plants died, causing people to have to move further to survive. This lasted 1,000 years.
     Historians have found there is a town called "Drah" and it is the first village in the worlds. This village emerged 11 1/2 years ago. The people who lived there created something called a "granary" which is a place to store grain, it protects the grain from insects, bugs, animals and weathering. We also talked about "domestication" and that is when you tame an animal or plant so it is suitable for your standards or farming, growing, or living.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


In my opinion I think the theory Jared Diamond had about how we evolved from pre-historic animals is correct. The reason being is because we share a lot of similarities in the way we appear, even though it isn't much. Since we aren't catching our food our hands, and living basically with their hands and what is around them. Jared Diamond was born September 10,1937 in Boston, Massachusetts. He became a Professor of Physiology at UCLA, he also became a professor of Geography. He found a love for birds and traveled to New Guinea. While there, he studied different typed of birds and their actions for 34 years. He has twin sons with his wife Marie Diamond. He and his family are part of the religion "Bessarabia Jewish." While going to Harvard, he achieved his Bachelor of Arts. He won the Pulitzer prize on a book he wrote called "Guns, Germs and Steel." He is now about 75 years old give or take a couple of years, and New Guinea is a remote island.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today in class everyone presented their projects and presentations along with their group. I learned a lot about different specific projects, such as Levis, different shoes, Mercedes and many more. The overall picture, and big idea I took in was that anything manufactured in China, and sold to the US will be cheaper than if it was made in the US and sold here. I used to think that wasn't the case for somethings, but just about everyone's powerpoint they said something about hoe much more it would be to make it here in the US. Even though some were only a two dollar difference, people would still much rather buy things for as cheap as they come and for the best quality. The reason that manufacturing things in China is cheaper is because the workers dont expect to get paid as much. Since they have been paid so low in all other jobs throughout their entire generations, and so on.