Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Today in class we finished the movie about the China work life. I learned a little more that the reason we send out jobs, and large businesses to China is because they are able to work for less, and that gives more money to the American manager, or owner. It also is cheeper for a retail store, such as Wal Mart or Target. The reason is because they buy it for a cheeper price then they would if the product, or item were sold in America. Even though it is expensive for shipping, since the Chinese aren't getting paid more the $4 a day, it makes it cheeper for us to buy it.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Today in class we watched a video about the economics and different things about China, and it's working people. The video was honestly insane, and it showed me how much China and America need each other to get along in todays world. We do so much trade, and we have companies set up in each other's country. The people of China do not get paid much, if your lucky with a good construction job you get paid $3-$4 a day, but average for a female, or factory worker is $1-$2 dollars a day. The reason they are getting paid so low is because there is so many people in China, that it is overpopulated and since the population is more than its supposed to be there is to many people and not enough jobs. If you don't have a job, you will be willing to work for the lowest amount possible, therefore to save the owners money they prefer to pay the workers as little as possible.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


United States
Declared independence on July 4, 1776
From the 1500s through the 1700s, they were settled and colonized by the Spanish, British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and other European nations.  The original thirteen colonies were held by Great Britain until the Revolutionary War, after which they became the first thirteen states.  There are now 50 states in the United States.  The United States is considered the last true superpower, with the world's largest military and the world's largest economy.

Following World War Two, the newly-formed United Nations drafted a treaty dividing up some of Palestine's land.  They established an independent Arab state and an independent Jewish state.  Many Jews emigrated to the new nation of Israel post WWII.  Creation of this new Jewish state was not universally accepted by Arabs, even though Israel was officially admitted to the UN on May 11, 1949.  There is still controversy surrounding Israel's very existence in the Middle East.

China's official date of independence is October 1, 1949.
China is one of the world's oldest civilizations.  As long ago as 221 BC, China was unified as a nation during the Qin dynasty.  They formed a republic on January 1, 1912.  The current Communist government, officially called the People's Republic of China, was formed in 1949.  

Declared independence in August 19th 1919
This country served as a buffer between Roman Empire and the British until they won independence in 1919. They were the subjects under the British and Roman Empire. This country can be found in the middle east.  

This country achieved independence in May 14, 1948. Before their independence was achieved they had a lot of conflicts dealing with races and other problems. There was a lot of war and issues that dealt with physical and verbal fighting. Israel was not specifically the subject of another country, however the middle east subjected other countries. This country can be found right above the Tropic of Cancer like, it is in Asia, and is a very small country and it is a border to the Atlantic Ocean.

India achieved their independence on August 15, 1947. India was ruled by the United Kingdom at one point. They became independent because of a non-violent resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi. Now, India has the second largest population and home of many religions, the mains being Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.

Brazil gained independence September 7th, 1822. Since their independence has been achieved, the slave count has decreased by a lot. Also, they also won three international wars. A lot of people migrated to Brazil because they struck gold. 

Monday, November 12, 2012


Today in class we got out quiz's back on the leaders of the countries. My score on it wasn't to good, it happened to be a D but a high D, even though I don't fully understand everything that's going on with the leaders, im doing my best to get better at it and understand more. We just went over the quiz and made corrections in class today.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


In class on Friday we took a quiz. The quiz was on the leaders, also about where they were from and facts about them. We were able to use our blogs, so im hoping I did good. Even though I haven't been posting in my blog I still knew where the leader of the country ruled.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Today in class we went over more of the leaders and what are some interesting facts about them. I chose Angela Merkel who was the leader of Germany, and I thought it was interesting that she was a chemist. I think that is very cool to have a president/leader who majors in more than one thing, and such. We also got our quizes back on the countries leaders yesterday, I got three wrong, and each were worth 2 points so i got a 22/26 which isn't bad compared to previous quizes. I do wish that I were to get a better score, but I will try harder on upcoming tests.

Monday, November 5, 2012

2 Facts for each leader- 11-5

Enrique Peña Nieto- 46 years old, former governor of the state of Mexico.

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud- He was one of many sons, was the sixth king of Saudi Arabia.

Angela Merkel- First women to become the Chancellor of Germany, she's a physical chemist.

Bejamin Netanyahu- He is the first prime minister born in Israel, he was shot in the shoulder when taking part in a mission.

Hu Jintao- Was the first leader of the communist party, very low key and reserved in his leadership style.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad- He has been criticized for his economical decisions, was an engineer and a teacher.

Hamad Karzai- He won two terms, one 5 years, and one 2. He became a political leader.

François Hollande- Is the second socialist president, first president to be elected without having prior experience.

Pranab Mukherjee- He is the 13th president of India, became India's most trusted leaders.

Hugo Chavez- Was born into a working class family, became a career military officer.

David Cameron- Studied philosophy, politics and economics, wont conservative leader in 2005

Queen Elizabeth II- Was educated privately at home, during her reign she has seen many constitutional changes

Dilma Rousseff- Raised in an upper middle class household, was a socialist during her youth