Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Human Geo

Today in class we were told that we had four new people joining. To have everyone set up in the class with the internet connection, blogger and also the patriot email we put all of our class period time into helping them.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Today in class we read an essay called “A message to Garcia.” The essay was written in 1899, but took place in 1898. The essay was very hard to understand because the words used weren’t words that we could choose today. The essay was about a two males named Garcia, and Rohan. Garcia was on an island in Cuba which was isolated and had no connection, by telegraph or any. The hardworking Rohan was put on a task to get a letter to Garcia. While every other worker has tried this task, and had failed. Rohan had achieved it with no complaints, or questions. The essay was supposed to portray a theme, or message. I got out of it that the theme was, the less you complain the more respect you with get from others. Everyone who had complained failed the task, with no complaints or unnecessary comments Rohan achieved his task leaving him with accomplishment, and glory from others. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My first day of school

Today, my first day of school at John Carroll was not at all what i expected. I had thought it was going to be challenging to find my classes, or to find a place to sit at lunch. A lot of the people i sat with at lunch were in one or more of my classes! All of the teachers, and upper class-men students were very welcoming and very glad to have me there. When the sophomore, and some juniors that were there to share there experience it made me more comfortable to be there. When i hear things from a student, it relates to me more than hearing from an adult. Some tasks were difficult, such as opening my locker, and simple things like that. But overall my experience was very enjoyable. I look forward to spending the rest of my high school years there at The John Carroll School.